Novo Super takes the hassle out of your SMSF administration by providing solutions and services through a highly collaborative approach. We have built our business around a commitment to exceptional customer service and strong communication. Working with you to achieve your goals Novo Super offers a truly personalised solution to Trustees, Advisers and Accountants.


Small details can make a big difference.

Our client-focussed approach is evident in everything we do. We provide personal service, so you’ll always be able to deal directly with your Novo Super team member. No handballing from department to department.

  • No outsourcing to offshore administrators. All Novo Super staff are in Australia.
  • No chasing up unreturned phone calls or emails. We respond to queries quickly.
  • No overseas data storage. Novo Super data is secure in Australian data centres.



Tony Pedro
Director / SMSF Manager

Tony has over 20 years of hands on SMSF experience and has built a reputation as a trusted SMSF professional with a wealth of industry knowledge. Tony is committed to continuous business process improvement, constant time attention to detail and is driven to ensure high quality service to all clients – Advisers, Accountants and Trustees.

Prior to establishing Novo Super, Tony was a high performer in several key senior roles at major SMSF administrators. Tony’s formal qualifications include a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and CPA Public Practice.

When not at work Tony enjoys spending time with his wife and two sensational boys, loves screaming the house down supporting Carlton FC, relaxing with a book or building things. Tony is fluent in Portuguese (speaks a little Italian and French) and is involved in local community and charitable work.

Paul May
Registered Tax Agent / SMSF Solutions Expert

Paul has over 30 years' experience in the wealth management, financial services and accounting sectors and has specialised in SMSF for the past 20 years via multiple senior management roles. More recently Paul was appointed to a CPA Centre of Excellence Committee for an initial term.

Paul's motivation has always been to assist Advisers, Accountants, Trustees and business partners to deliver quality, locally based and sourced service solutions. Paul’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Business (Accounting & Economics), RG146, CPA Public Practice and has combined this with Tax and ASIC Agent registrations.

Away from work Paul is a passionate Richmond FC member, enjoys running to keep fit, loves spending time working on his home and garden, travelling around Victoria and supporting his teenage daughter with her sports.

Theo Verginis
Senior SMSF Accountant

Theo is a dedicated, driven and conscientious senior accountant with over 28 years' experience in the SMSF industry. With a Diploma of Superannuation Management, RG146 qualifications and extensive hands on SMSF experience it is not hard to see how Theo has been publicly acknowledged for continued high levels of output and quality over many years.

Theo has spent many years at leading SMSF administration firms prior to joining the Novo Super team in December 2017.

Theo enjoys exploring the great outdoors with his wife, two children and blue Staffordshire terrier. From four-wheel driving to camping and fishing trips on the Murray River along with holidaying interstate and overseas, spending time with family and friends is where Theo is happiest. Theo's involvement in his children's activities are his proudest moment.

Sue Daicos
Senior SMSF Accountant

Sue has worked in the SMSF industry for over 30 years which has allowed her to gain extensive superannuation knowledge and experience. Sue’s numerous roles in SMSF have helped her to develop a strong understanding of superannuation rules and regulations. This is supported by Sue's formal qualifications which include a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and a Diploma of Financial Planning.

Sue has spent many years giving back to the community through involvement in school committees, management of projects and mentoring colleagues. Sue's passion, professionalism and support to clients is known throughout the industry.

Sue loves cooking wholesome food for her family (including two amazing teenagers) and friends. Sue puts her health focus into practice with bootcamp training, travel and playing the ukulele.

Sarah Dunn
Office Administrator

Sarah oversees all the administrative functions at Novo Super. As the office administrator Sarah is the driving force that ensures our clients, business partners and the team itself operates in harmony. Our exceptional lodgement record must start somewhere and at Novo Super it is with Sarah.

Having worked in the SMSF space for more than 17 years Sarah has learned much from many large SMSF administration firms and it is this knowledge and experience that is so important to Novo Super.

Sarah is a new mum which keeps her busy outside of work, but she enjoys staying active with her love for netball. Sarah is a devoted owner of her two dogs Norman and Mavis.



At Novo Super we're proud to be registered with the following industry organisations and fully committed to meeting the professional and ethical standards demanded by each. This includes exceeding their respective ongoing registration and training requirements.

TAX PRACTITIONERS BOARD (TPB) is a national body responsible for the registration and regulation of ‘tax practitioners’. The TPB is also responsible for ensuring compliance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA), including the Code of Professional Conduct (Code). Our registered tax agent number is 25846597.

CPA Australia is one of the world's largest accounting bodies with a membership of more than 160,000. A CPA is a finance, accounting and business professional and indicates a soundness in depth, breadth and quality of accountancy knowledge. To offer public accounting services, CPAs must complete CPA Australia's Public Practice Program and hold a public practice certificate.

SUPERMATE is an award-winning, leading innovator in SMSF software for over 30 years. Using the latest technology to monitor funds in real time and proactively identify any potential issues as they arise through the use of automated data feeds.




We can assist you with day-to-day operational through to complex technical queries. Our services include but are not limited to:

Where you come if you're starting out in SMSF
This is where we excel by taking care of all the administrative tasks including EOY financials, tax returns and even arranging the audit
Are you moving into retirement? Well you might need to commence an account-based pension or transition to retirement income stream
Want to ensure your trust deed remains up to date and complies with all current legislation?
Need to set up a company to act as trustee of your SMSF?
All the other exciting ATO stuff that just needs to be done on time
Simply speaking we're here to help with your questions and queries so give us a call or send us an email
Includes fund restructure, borrowing documentation and anything else we've missed above but you might need for your SMSF


Please find a range of PDF forms below which we request be filled out for the relevant service you are after. The forms can be populated directly to
the PDF and emailed back to us for prompt action.

Novo super: Resources Icon

Our SMSF establishment kit provides all the documents you need to establish a compliant SMSF.

Novo super: Resources Icon

Transfer the administration of your SMSF. Our transition kit quickly and easily collects the required information to setup your fund on our systems.

Novo super: Resources Icon

Documentation that caters for Account Based and Transition to Retirement Pensions and includes the pension agreement and all relevant minutes.

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The SMSF trust deed update service provides you with a complying trust deed that's flexible and adaptable to legislative changes.

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Documentation to add/remove trustees or members and any other fund changes. Notifying the ATO and ASIC where Novo Super is the tax agent and ASIC agent for the fund.

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We facilitate the establishment of a new Private Pty Ltd or SMSF Special Purpose company and register the company with ASIC.



22 APR

The Tax Office will be extending the deadline to lodge an SMSF annual return as it announces blanket lodgement deferrals due to COVID-19.

The new due date for SMSF 2018–19 annual returns will be 30 June 2020, the ATO said.... | READ MORE

17 APR

SMSF service providers engaging in offshore outsourcing are facing greater supervision and control challenges as the COVID-19 pandemic wreaks havoc on client data security and fails to provide local jobs, warns an administration expert... | READ MORE

CPA Australia Ltd

The Australian Treasury’s Retirement Income Review report potentially supports the government’s plans to slow down the increase in the superannuation guarantee and encourage retirees to use the equity in their homes to fund their retirement. Is this a viable way forward? Three experts weigh in.... | READ MORE



Novo Super:Location

410/198 Harbour Esplanade

Novo Super:Email

PO Box 115
Collins Street West VIC 8007

Novo Super:Phone

1300 668 678

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MESSAGE US Alternatively, submit your query below and a member of our experienced team will be in contact with you directly